This year, the strong implementation of PBIS has been reported as a robust support system. Continue focusing on strengthening the teaming infrastructure for effective implementation of practices. This resource, Supporting Schools During and After Crisis, provides an extensive overview of the systems, practices, and data for promoting MTSS within schools;
Use ESSER funds to buy games, lawn games, etc. to promote relationship building and student engagement;
Consider creative staffing assignments for covering classes so teachers can make time to engage with students in smaller groups or individually to build stronger relationships;
Plan professional development opportunities (based on data) to address gaps in educator competence in social, emotional, behavioral learning and well-being. For a comprehensive list of VT and national PD opportunities, go here.
Build or strengthen a culture that supports a restorative approach to help students learn how to communicate with one another, build and invest in their community, and understand the importance of owning mistakes and repairing with others.
Intentionally shareSWIS data to explore strengths and challenges, followed by team-level brainstorming of potential action steps;
Consider scheduling that allows for a block in the morning to teach and model SEL skills; and
Prioritize and adjust workload expectations for students.