What is PBIS?
Vermont Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (VTPBIS) is a state-wide effort designed to help school teams form a proactive, school-wide, systems approach to improving social and academic competence for all students. Schools in Vermont are engaged in using a formal system of positive behavioral supports in their schools. Involved schools who implement PBIS with fidelity and integrity see a dramatic decrease in the number of behavior problems experienced in their schools. Additionally, students in these schools enjoy greater levels of support and inclusion than those in comparative schools who do not use a system of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. To learn more about the Continuum of School-wide Instructional Positive Behavior Supports visit www.pbis.org.
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Photo Credit: Home Page Banner Image courtesy of Susie Snow, Library/Media Specialist and member of the newly formed PBIS Leadership Team at Beeman Elementary School. The photo was taken in Fall 2017 during an opening day whole school community building activity.

“PBIS has given us a structure for our behavior system that we continue to develop and improve with each school year. There is more consistency and responsiveness, as well as data to direct our focus for improvement.”