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Feedback and input data is needed to guide/sustain efficient and effective PBIS implementation The Feedback and Input Survey (FIS) gives meaningful qualitative information about the experiences and suggestions of students, families, and school personnel. These surveys offer the entire school community a place to share their direct feedback with decision-makers. The results are used to inform action plans to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of Tier 1 behavior support systems. The Feedback and Input Surveys are feedback measures.



The Feedback and Input Survey Suite is a set of four surveys for school teams to learn about how students, school personnel, and family members are experiencing the school’s behavior support systems and obtain detailed feedback for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of those systems.

School teams can use each survey separately or in combination to increase voice and choice in how Tier 1 behavior support systems can make schools more welcoming, inclusive, and safe for each group. They were designed to aid teams in increasing faculty, student, and family involvement, as measured by the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (items 1.10 and 1.11). Each survey includes a set of demographic questions about the participant and a mix of yes/no and open-ended questions.

VTPBIS Disclaimer: While the VTPBIS State Team finds great value in gathering voice and input through the FIS, we promote using more collaborative and welcoming language than exists in the current survey. Please see our suggestions for language changes here.



The surveys can be completed at any time when feedback about school-wide systems is desired, especially before the team creates or updates the school’s action plan (e.g., between January and March before the TFI is completed).



The four surveys include:

  • Feedback and Input Survey: Elementary
  • Feedback and Input Survey: Secondary
  • Feedback and Input Survey: School Personnel
  • Feedback and Input Survey: Family

Students typically complete the survey during school hours using campus computers under the guidance of teachers or other appropriate school personnel. School personnel and family members typically complete the surveys without direct guidance at times that are convenient.



To access the links for the Feedback and Input Survey/s, contact Anne Dubie to let her know which survey(s) you would like links for as well as the dates you would like the surveys to be opened and closed dates for survey completion. You will then receive an email from Anne that the link(s) for the survey(s) you requested are open.

For Students:

  • Send parent/caregiver opt-out forms;
  • The PBIS Coordinator copies the link and sends it to teachers or directly to the students

For Family/Caregiver and School Personnel:

  • Send invitation letters and include the survey open/close date
  • The PBIS Coordinator copies the link and sends it to school personnel and/or families/caregivers.

About midway through the survey period, send reminders and check in about their progress. Close dates can be extended, if needed, by contacting Anne Dubie. Each survey takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

The surveys may be completed online as an anonymous multiple-response survey using the secure PBIS Assessment application or using paper and pencil forms. Any demographic questions can be skipped by leaving the default answer of “I prefer not to answer”. Students typically complete the survey during school hours using campus computers under the guidance of teachers or other appropriate school personnel. School personnel and family members typically complete the surveys without direct guidance at times that are convenient.


To login to PBIS Apps:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the Login button on the top right.
  3. Enter the email address and password associated with the PBIS Apps account. Please note: If you currently have access to SWIS, your login E-mail Address for is the same as your SWIS Login.
  4. Once you’re logged in, click the gray circle with four squares (or a photo of you) found at the top right. 
  5. Click PBIS Assessments from the drop-down menu. 
    1. Please note: If you don’t see PBIS Assessment in your drop-down menu, please contact Anne Dubie at [email protected] to be added as a user. 
  6. Now, you are in the PBIS Assessment Dashboard. 


To access the survey links from the Dashboard:

  1. Click the FIS from the Survey’s Currently Open section.
  2. Locate your school for whom the survey will be submitted and click the Take Survey link.
  3. Highlight the URL and copy it or click the Copy URL button to copy the link to your clipboard.
  4. Click Close.
  5. Paste the copied link in an email to anyone invited to submit a survey response.


To take the Feedback and Input Survey:

  1. Copy and paste the received link into your preferred internet browser.
  2. Enter the survey responses for the displayed section.
  3. Click the >> to move to the next page.
  4. Click the Submit Survey button at the end of the survey to save the responses.

If you have questions about the Feedback and Input Surveys, please contact your VTPBIS State TA. If you need technical assistance, please contact Anne Dubie at [email protected].

To learn more visit:


Analyzing your Feedback and Input Survey Results

You will be able to access your FIS data approximately 24 hours after the FIS window closes.  If you’d like to view your FIS data prior to the close of the window, please contact Anne Dubie at [email protected] and she will close your window.  To view your FIS data in both table and graph form go to and use your login information. Follow these instructions to view your FIS data graphs:

  1. Login to PBIS Apps as instructed above
  2. Click the Report menu at the top of the screen
  3. Select Report Options from the left-hand side of the screen
  4. Select the FIS from the drop down list
  5. Click Generate

Report Options Include:

  1. Select Surveys: Select a survey about which to report from the drop-down menu
  2. Report Type: Download from the drop-down menu to define which data to display related to the selected survey. Select Total Score, Subscale, Scores by Gender, Scores by Grade, Scores by Race/Ethnicity, Items, Comments, or Locations.
  3. From Date: Select a school year from the drop-down menu as the starting school year from which data will be included in the report
  4. To Date: Select a school year from the drop-down menu as the last school year from which data will be included in the reports. Note: This school year must be the same as or after the selected From Date

After assessment:

  1. Analyze data
  2. Select a small number of items for implementation action planning.
    1. Ask, “What are the smallest changes we can make in the next three months to improve implementation?”
  3. After a few months, use the FIS again to monitor progress.