This page includes information from (a) the three Intensive Level Wraparound trainings (webinar, overview, and facilitator training), (b) system planning and student tools, and (c) links to other resources and external websites.
Click here to review the steps for implementing Intensive Level Wraparound.
VTPBIS Exploring Wraparound as an Intensive Level PBIS Intervention Webinar: February 2015
The purpose of this optional webinar is to give SUs, districts, and schools an opportunity to learn what Intensive Level Wraparound is and to explore readiness and implementation.
- Webinar Slides (PDF)
- Intensive Wraparound Readiness Checklist (google)
- Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (pdf)
VTPBIS Intensive Level Wraparound Overview Training for SU/District Teams: April 2014
This is a full day overview training for SU/District Leadership Teams who will be responsible for supporting implementation of Intensive Level Wraparound in their school(s). To participate in the overview training, the leadership teams must meet readiness criteria (see Intensive Level Wraparound implementation steps).
- Administrative Overview VTPBIS Intensive Level Wraparound (slides, ppt)
- See system planning tools below for tools:
VTPBIS Intensive Level Wraparound Training: June 23-26, 2014
This training is for wraparound facilitators to learn and practice the skills practices, systems, and data components for successful Intensive Level Wraparound implementation. To attend this training, school teams were required to have attended the Intensive Level Wraparound Overview training (see above).
Before the institute:
- Please help us prepare for this event by completing a brief survey (link will be posted in May 2014) We will use your responses to better match the training to your needs.
- Read Phases & Activities of the Wraparound Process (PDF)
- Read Ten Principles of the Wraparound Process (PDF)
- If you couldn’t attend, we recommend you watch the Wraparound Overview video of recorded webinar (view online)
- Bring progress-monitoring data (FBA/BIP, ODRs) for 1-3 students who seem to need more than FBA/BIP and/or students whose home, school, or community placement is at risk
- For one of these students, and to the best of your ability, complete pages 1 & 2 of the Wraparound Student Action Plan (PDF)
Wraparound Facilitator Training June 2013 (2014 workbook will be posted June)
System Planning Tools:
These are the tools used by SU/District and School Leadership teams to support implementation of Intensive Level Wraparound.
- VTPBIS Intensive Level Steps to Implementation
- VTPBIS Intensive Level Readiness Checklist (pdf)
- Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT)
- Inventory of Targeted Practices
- VTPBIS Intensive Level Action Plan (doc)
- VTPBIS Check-In / Check-Out Self Assessment (doc)
- Intensive Team Profile (List of Team Members) (doc)
- Family/Caregiver Engagement Self-Assessment (webpage)
Individual Student Tools:
These are tools used by trained wraparound facilitators to support individual students receiving wraparound.
- FBA / BIP Protocol
- FBA/BIP Protocol (doc)
- FBA/BIP Protocol (pdf)
- Motivation Assessment Scale (pdf)
- Wraparound Student Action Plan (pdf)
- Home, School, Community Tool (v. 2.1)
- Education Information Tool (v. 2.0)
- Student Disposition Tool (v. 2.0) (pdf)
- Wraparound Integrity Tool (v. 2.0)
- WIT (pdf)
- WIT (Excel)
- WIT Assessment Method (Scheduling) (pdf)
- WIT Action Plan (pdf)
Links to useful websites:
Illinois PBIS: http://www.pbisillinois.org
Illinois PBIS was the first to implement school-based wraparound an PBIS.
New Hampshire PBIS: http://www.nhcebis.seresc.net/pbis_nh
New Hampshire is one of the few other states to implement wraparound with PBIS. Here is a page with their description and tools.
National Wraparound Initiative http://www.nwi.pdx.edu/
The National Wraparound Initiative is a membership group devoted to improving understanding and resources for the wraparound process. They have published a free online handbook on wraparound. As well as many user-friendly guides great for families and school personnel.
Vermont Family Network: http://www.vermontfamilynetwork.org
Other Handouts:
- VTPBIS Mental Health Roles – 2012 (doc)
- VTPBIS Intensive Level Training – Agenda 9/17/10 (doc)
- VT Targeted and Intensive Administrative Planning/Overview 2010 (ppt)
- PBIS Administrators’ Academy Course #AA696e (doc)
- School Mental Health Framework Document (doc)
- 3-Tiered System of Support – Necessary Conversations for Teams (ppt)
- Illinois PBIS Network – Multi-Tiered Action Plan (MAP) (doc)
- Assessing Student Intervention History (doc)
- Behavioral and Academic Data at All Tiers (doc)
- Behavioral and Academic Interventions at All Tiers (doc)
- Tier 2/Tier 3 (Secondary/Tertiary) Systems Guiding Questions (doc)
- Tier 2/Tier 3 (Secondary/Tertiary) Interventions Tracking Tool (doc)
- IL-PBIS Network Tertiary District Action Plan (doc)