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Universal Training:

Eligible School Leadership Teams will be supported with content and facilitation needed to complete their PBIS School-wide Implementation Plan within a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. Restorative principles and equity considerations will be infused in the training. Teams will prepare for PBIS roll-out to staff, students, and family members. 

Learning Objectives:

School Leadership Teams will:

  • Develop the school-wide systems needed for equitable, fidelity-based PBIS implementation;
  • Finalize and define 3-4 positively-stated, culturally responsive school-wide expectations;
  • Create lessons for teaching and practicing prosocial behaviors that support the school-wide expectations;
  • Establish procedures for acknowledging prosocial behaviors at the individual, classroom, and school-wide levels;
  • Develop consistent practices, procedures, and a continuum of supports for preventing and responding instructionally to minor and major behavior concerns;
  • Create procedures for making decisions based on data, determine school-wide data collection method, and establish data reporting procedures;
  • Plan for the roll-out and first year implementation of PBIS at the Universal Level.


Go here to learn more about the Universal level and to view the steps to readiness needed for in-person training. Please contact your VTPBIS technical assistance provider for more information and support. New to PBIS? Please find your VTPBIS State TA by SU/SD HERE.

Who Should Attend:

  • School leadership teams participants should include: principal and/or assistant principal, school PBIS coordinator, Supervisory Union/Supervisory District PBIS coordinator, other representative staff members, and, if possible, student and/or caregiver/parent/guardian representative(s).
  • Wondering if this strand is for you? Contact Amy Wheeler-Sutton at [email protected].

Targeted Training:

The Targeted Training will support school teams in building and implementing (or refreshing) a system of Targeted supports based on strong Universal foundations. Teams will leave the training ready to implement Check-in/Check-out and/or Teacher Check, Connect, and Expect, and will have been introduced to other Targeted supports that can be implemented in the future. Restorative principles and equity considerations will be infused throughout the training.

Learning Objectives:

Leadership Teams will:

  • Increase knowledge and fluency about PBIS at the Targeted level of PBIS;
    • Finalize systems needed at the Targeted level;
    • Develop criteria and procedures for providing Targeted supports, with a primary focus on Check-in/Check-out and Teacher Check, Connect, and Expect;
    • Establish how Targeted supports will provide increased instruction, feedback, and home communication;
    • Develop a foundational understanding of Functional Behavior Assessment and Universal Screening and create a plan to integrate these into the Targeted level of PBIS;
    • Explore how data is used to identify students, monitor progress, and evaluate implementation;
    • Consider how to center equity by ensuring access, representation, meaningful participation, and high outcomes;
    • Determine format/s and content for staff training and information about Targeted foundations and implementation specifics;
    • Plan for roll-out of PBIS at the Targeted level.


  • School is implementing PBIS at the Universal Level and has achieved a score of at least 70% on the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tier 1 (items 1.1-1.15) within the past four months
  • Go here to learn more about the Targeted level and to view the steps to readiness needed for in-person training. Please contact your VTPBIS technical assistance provider for more information and support.

Who Should Attend:

  • School leadership team participants should include: principal and/or assistant principal, school PBIS coordinator, Supervisory Union/Supervisory District PBIS coordinator, classroom teacher/s, staff member who is likely to provide Check-in/Check-out support, other representative staff members, and, if possible, caregiver/parent/guardian representative.
  • This training is also appropriate for Teams who previously attended this training and who want a Targeted refresher training.
  • Wondering if this strand is for you? Contact Amy Wheeler-Sutton at [email protected].

Intensive Training:

The Intensive Training will support school teams in building and implementing (or refreshing) a system of Intensive supports based on strong Universal and Targeted foundations. Restorative principles and equity considerations will be infused throughout the training.       

Learning Objectives:

Leadership Teams will:

  • Refine and strengthen an Inventory of Targeted practices that can be adapted for individualized supports;
  • Increase knowledge and fluency about the Intensive Level of VTPBIS with a restorative approach lens;
  • Identify the systems functions, responsibilities, and roles at the Intensive Level;
  • Understand the features of individualized supports, including:
    •  Teaming
    • Setting Goals
    • Assessment
    • Intervention(s)
    • Evaluation
  • Intentionally explore ways to involve students and their family members meaningfully in goal-setting and intervention design;
  • Develop strategies for building effective Student Support Plans;
  • Explore the data systems needed to facilitate effective Student Support Plans; and
  • Plan for the roll-out of the Intensive level that supports equitable access to all students.


  • School is implementing PBIS at the Universal and Targeted Level, with well-established Check-in/Check-out and/or Teacher Check, Connect, and Expect supports in place
  • School has completed the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), Tiers I & II (items 1.1-2.13) and  has achieved a score of at least 70% on Tier I (items 1.1-1.15) within the past four months
  • Go here to learn more about the Intensive level and to view the steps to readiness needed for in-person training. Please contact your VTPBIS technical assistance provider for more information and support.

Who Should Attend:

  • School leadership team participants should include: the principal and/or assistant principal, school PBIS coordinator, Supervisory Union/Supervisory District PBIS coordinator, special educator/s, classroom teacher/s, staff member trained in FBA, other representative staff members, and, if possible, caregiver/parent/guardian representative
  • This training is also appropriate for Teams who previously attended this training and who want an Intensive refresher training.
  • Wondering if this strand is for you? Contact Amy Wheeler-Sutton at [email protected].                                                                                                          

Refreshing, Enhancing, and Deepening Universal PBIS:

This strand will provide opportunities for schools at any level of PBIS implementation to explore ways to strengthen their Universal implementation. Teams will take a deep dive into implementation strengths and needs in the areas of equity and cultural responsiveness, student and family voice, systems, and practices in each of the Universal core components: revisiting purpose; defining and refining expectations; teaching, practicing, and acknowledging prosocial behavior; preventing and responding instructionally to concerning behavior through a continuum of supports; and making decisions based on data.

This strand will differentiate content and activities based on individual school needs and school data. Schools may choose to attend in order to address needs including: deepening an already established Universal implementation; ensuring equity and cultural responsiveness; increasing implementation fidelity; building momentum and staff skill and commitment; responding to staff and/or administrator turnover; expanding/strengthening practices; refining systems; using data more effectively; and/or keeping up to date with PBIS best practices. Schools that have not trained at Universal for some time, that have not been able to access coaching, or that began implementing during the pandemic are especially encouraged to attend.

Learning Objectives:

Leadership Teams will:

  • Identify, examine, and respond to their school’s particular implementation needs;
    • Refine school-wide systems, practices, and data-based decision-making processes needed for equitable, fidelity-based PBIS implementation and improved student outcomes;
    • Identify and make a plan to address equity and cultural responsiveness needs;
    • Explore ways to support staff around preventing and responding instructionally to concerning behaviors;
    • Design a system for training and supporting new and returning staff in implementing PBIS with fidelity;
    • Develop a 3-year action plan for implementation growth and professional development.

Prerequisites (completed with TA support):

  • School is implementing PBIS at the Universal Level
  • For schools previously trained in PBIS that are no longer implementing PBIS, please contact your State TA to determine if this strand is the best option for your school.
  • Prior to attending this training, there are some readiness activities. Please contact your VTPBIS technical assistance provider for more information and support.

Who Should Attend:

  • School leadership team participants should include: principal or assistant principal, school PBIS coordinator, Supervisory Union/School District PBIS coordinator, other representative staff members, and, if possible, student and/or caregiver/parent/guardian representative(s).
  • Wondering if this strand is for you? Contact Amy Wheeler-Sutton at [email protected].

Expanding and Enhancing Targeted Interventions:

In this strand, participants will explore how to broaden and enhance targeted interventions. Designed with a PBIS framework in mind, but accessible within any framework, participants and teams will learn to keep universal strategies paramount while tightening up, enhancing, and developing new targeted interventions that build upon Universal practices. Primary goals include moving beyond “check-in/check- out,” using a function-based lens for matching interventions to student needs, and learning strategies for efficient group interventions to avoid the potential pitfalls of “universally individualized” interventions. Several classroom and school-wide examples will be provided.

Learning Objectives:

School Leadership teams will:

  • Expand current thinking about student needs and how to meet them;
  • Strengthen and enhance your school’s inventory of targeted interventions;
  • Identify methods to collect and use data to monitor progress and make decisions about duration, modification, and fading;
  • Hear examples from multiple Vermont schools; and
  • Plan a process for supporting staff to implement targeted interventions with fidelity.

Who Should Attend:

Teams consisting of PBIS Targeted coordinator/members, EST members, school counselors, special educators, administrators, other representative staff members, and, if possible, student and/or caregiver/parent/guardian representative