School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) is a research-validated instrument that is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across an academic school year. The SET is no longer available on the PBIS Apps website.
The SET was designed to:
- determine the extent to which schools are already using School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (SW-PBIS),
- determine if training and technical assistance efforts result in change when using SW-PBIS, and
- determine if use of SW-PBIS procedures is related to valued change in the safety, social culture, and violent behavior in schools.
By answering each evaluation question within the seven feature areas, the information gathered from the SET can be used to (a) assess features that are in place, (b) determine annual goals, (c) evaluate on-going efforts, (d) design and revise procedures, and (e) compare year to year efforts in the area of school-wide Positive Behavior Support. Information is gathered through multiple sources including, a review of school records, direct observations, and staff and student interviews.
To learn more visit:
Information on completing SET Evaluations:
When is the SET conducted?
Pre-Implementation SET: The baseline SET is conducted following submission of the Intent to Implement Application and prior to attending the Universal Team Leadership training.
Post-Implementation SET: Approximately six to eight weeks after your school has rolled-out all six components of the PBIS Implementation Plan, another SET is completed. A score of 80/80 on the SET indicates PBIS implementation with fidelity. Schools can request a follow-up SET if they do not initially achieve a post-implementation score of 80/80.
Annual SET: Your school may be asked to perform a follow-up SET in the Spring. If your school is selected for a follow-up SET, your Regional Technical Assistance person (TA) will contact you.
Who conducts the SET?
Pre-Implementation SET: Your SU/District Coordinator or a PBIS Technical Assistance Person will schedule a time to conduct the SET.
Post-Implementation SET: Your SU/District Coordinator or a PBIS Technical Assistance Person will schedule a time to conduct the SET.
How does the SET get scored and graphed?
The SET electronic scoring sheet is completed by the person conducting the SET. Data from the SET scoring sheet is automatically turned into a graph on sheet 2 of the excel file. The person who conducted the SET will immediately e-mail the excel file to the School Coordinator & Administrator. The person conducting the SET will also e-mail the electronic scoring sheet (excel file) to Anne Dubie: [email protected].