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Quick, useful reminders

Rescue resources to reset your nervous system in the moment

  1. Pause.
  2. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” Then do it.
  3. Quick Stressbusters

Valsalva Maneuver 

  • Pinch your nose.
  • Close your mouth to hold your breath.
  • Try to blow out air; it may feel like you’re bearing down.
  • Hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  • Be careful not to try to blow out with too much pressure or you may damage your eardrums. Also, if you have high blood pressure or a heart arrhythmia, check with your doctor before trying this strategy.

Hands on Heart

  • Place your hands over your heart and breathe deeply into that space while conjuring positive, calming feelings.

Self-compassion break

  • Notice where you are feeling the stress in your body.
  • Say to yourself: (choose example that seems most natural to you)
    •  “This is a moment of suffering.” “This hurts.” “This is stressful.” 
  • Say to yourself: (choose example that seems most natural to you)
    •  “Suffering is a part of life.” “I’m not alone.” “Other people feel this way.”
  • Put your hands over your heart & feel the warmth & gentle touch.
  • Say to yourself: (choose example that seems most natural to you)
    • “May I be kind to myself.” “May I be strong.” “May I forgive myself.” “May I be patient.” “May I learn to accept myself as I am.”

 Calming music (“Weightless” found to reduce anxiety in 65% of people who listened)

Box breathing (or other preferred intentional breathing)

  • Inhale for four seconds
  • Hold for four seconds
  • Exhale through your mouth for four seconds
  • Repeat the process until you feel calm.

Self-hugging (releases oxytocin and calms the nervous system)

  • Wrap your arms around yourself & squeeze. 

Advocating for Yourself and Your Colleagues

Supportive Practices