Ensure that your process centers on equity and cultural responsiveness:
- Communication supports are provided for students, staff, and family/caregivers who need them in order to participate/respond.
- Students are provided with opportunities to respond and participate in their preferred language and in ways that are developmentally and culturally appropriate.
- Invitations and opportunities for families/caregivers to participate and respond are offered in language that is understandable by a non-educator and in families’/caregivers’ preferred language.
- School pays particular attention to inviting and gathering voice from students and families/caregivers who are representative of the school’s demographics and any underserved populations.
- Efforts are made to gather input beyond easily-accessed groups such as the student council or parent-teacher organization.
Meaningful Participation
- Student and family/caregiver voice are gathered in meaningful and engaging ways that ensure and communicate that their voices are valued and needed.
High Outcomes
- Communicate to students, staff, and families/caregivers that the purpose of gathering this input is to improve the PBIS implementation and to support the goal of high outcomes for all students.
Close the loop
- Let students, staff, and families/caregivers know what you plan to do with their input.
- Tell them how and when you will share what you have learned.
- Let them know what you are going to do next.