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  • Recognize, name, and address that we are still in survival mode and are not in recovery yet. We need healing before we can be in recovery.
  • Re-establish school as a physically and emotionally safe and positive space.
    • Listen and validate.
    • Demonstrate emotional care and support.
    • Build relational trust.
    • Emphasize, foster, and provide time for positive connections and relationships
    • Ensure that staff concerns about COVID-related health and safety are heard and addressed.
  • Ask staff members what actionable steps would help reduce stress. Do not assume you know what these are (see graph here).
  • Share and offer opportunities for staff to access, practice, and implement resources for individuals.
  • Consolidate email communication so as not to overwhelm. Indicate support for maintaining boundaries in emails sent in the evening or weekends (e.g. ““​My workday may not be your workday. Please do not feel obligated to respond outside of your regular work schedule.”).